January 6,1954 - March 18, 2008

It is with great sorrow that we here at the Storytellerpage offer our deepest and heart-felt condolences to Mr. Minghella’s family, friends, colleagues and fans.
He will be missed. ...Truly. Madly. Deeply...

“...For where a man has no voice, there shall be my voice. Where blacks are flogged and beaten, I cannot be dead. When my brothers go to prison I shall go with them. When victory, not my victory, but the great victory comes, even if I am dumb I must speak; I shall see it coming even if I am blind. No, forgive me. If you no longer live, if you, beloved, my love, if you have died, all the leaves will fall on my breast, it will rain on my soul night and day, the snow will burn my heart, I shall walk with frost and fire and death and snow, my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, but I shall stay alive, because above all things you wanted me indomitable, and, my love, because you know that I am not only a man but all mankind”.
                                    -- Pablo Neruda


To read loving tributes to Anthony Minghella visit Guardian Unlimited & Michael Ondaatje Remembers Anthony Minghella


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